Before exploring Gluten in popcorn? First, we shall know about various facts about Gluten, such as what is Gluten? Why should one ensure that whether there is Gluten in the food we eat? Is Gluten Bad for our health? What are the functions of Gluten in our body?
Firstly, what is Gluten? Gluten is a kind of protein that is often found in cereals we eat, such as wheat, barley, rye, and many other grains we use in our day-to-day food. Now suddenly, a question arises in our mind that why is gluten present in these cereals, which we often include in our diet to reduce weight? Is Gluten good for weight loss? Yes, the same struck in my mind too. Let us know a little more about Gluten to find the answer.large commercial popcorn machine is one of best thing made to serve popcorn quickly in big gatherings like movie theatres, malls etc…
Gluten is a French word that means a sticky substance. Do you remember glue? Yes, the same sticky substance we use to stick the paper and other materials. Gluten gives elasticity to these cereals and a shape to them. Have you ever noticed while kneading a wheat dough for chappathi/ Roti how it is so sticky? It is because of the presence of Gluten in the wheat. It also gives shape and texture to the dough.
It is not important that all of us should ensure the presence of Gluten in our diet. Gluten is not harmful to everyone but, at the same time, not good to everyone too.
People who are prone to Celiac Disease should definitely have Gluten-Free Diet in their day-to-day life. Gluten is dangerous to them as it affects their digestive immune.
Celiac-prone people are “gluten sensitive.” If they include Gluten in their daily diet, it may show the symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain.
There is no definite cause for celiac disease in the human body. The research has said that most people affected by celiac disease are due to their family genes. Suppose a close relation of a person such as siblings, mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather is affected by celiac disease. In that case, there is a one percent chance that the younger generation or other members of the family is prone to be affected by this disease.
The other major causes of celiac are that lifestyle or medical stress, such as heavy surgery medication: emotional stress and pregnancy, and other stress in our body cause celiac.
Another disease may also cause Gluten-sensitive in our body. It is adjacent to many diseases.
The signs of celiac differ from person to person. The symptoms may differ between adults and children.
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Bloating and Gas
- Severe Abdominal Pain
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Constipation
The celiac symptoms often can be non-digestive symptoms also which are as follows
- Anemia caused due to iron deficiency
- Skin rashes
- Decrease in bone density, i.e., osteoporosis
- Mouth ulcer and so on
The children with prone to celiac disease shall suffer from the digestive problem and may have symptoms of
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Swollen belly
- Foul-smelling and stools
- Other digestive problem
As listed above, taking a gluten diet by celiac prone patients may affect the digestive system and small intestine. Over the period of time, the reaction of indigestion may cause damages in the small intestine lining and also results in malabsorption of nutrients. This may result in Weight loss, Anemia, delayed puberty, short saturations, etc.
Suppose there is no adequate and appropriate treatment for celiac disease. In that case, it may also lead the patients to be affected by cancer, lymphoma cancer- cancer that affects the immune system that fights with germs. Gluten-sensitive can also lead to lactose sensitivity. That is, the patients may also be sensitive to dairy products.
When the immune systems of our body are affected by celiac over the period, the patients are prone to be affected by lupus. Lupus is a disease that causes inflammation in various parts of our body, such as skin, joints, lungs, kidneys, blood cells even the heart and brain.
The inappropriate treatment of celiac may also cause the patients affected by various other diseases such as irritable bowel systems, scleroderma a disease that tightens and harden the skin. There are many other diseases that may affect the person who is inappropriate in taking treatment for celiac disease.
As already mentioned above, Gluten is dangerous to people who are prone to celiac disease; what about others who are not Gluten-sensitive? What are the benefits of Gluten in our diet? Is gluten help in weight loss? The solution for all these questions is that we should know about the benefits of Gluten in the human body.
The astonishing fact is that Gluten neither provides essential nutrients nor helps in weight loss. At the same time, it is also not a bad protein for people other than those suffering from celiac disease. As mentioned earlier, Gluten is not harmful to everyone but, at the same time, not good to everyone too.
Popcorn is a type of corn kernel that expands when heated. The corn used to prepare popcorn is produced exclusively to prepare popcorn.
Now we shall brush over the history of popcorn. Popcorn is a thanksgiving banquet in the Plymouth colony. A colony that was there in America during 1620 – 1691. There is a myth that Squanto, who was a guide to pilgrims of America, taught the pilgrims to raise and harvest the Corn kernel and also taught them to pop the corn. There are also some controversies in this story; as mentioned earlier, the French were the first to invent popcorn, and Americans are not the earlier ones. But it is clearly evident that popcorn was used in the early 1600.
Popcorns are only corns that enlarge when heated, so other varieties of corns shall not be used for popcorns. Here comes the science behind the popcorn; each kernel in the popcorn is made up of an embryo. Secondly, the starchy endosperm that feeds the embryo and the hard exterior of the corn is called the bran or hull, and inside each kernel, there is a small droplet of water.
The water in this corn kernel is the main factor that makes the Corn pop and fluffy. When heat is applied to this corn, the water inside the corn is converted as steam. The outer exterior hull or bran explodes, notwithstanding the pressure when the heat is passed to the corn kernel. The starch of the endosperm turns into white enlarged corn we eat.
Is Gluten in Popcorn
Now we shall explore Gluten in popcorn. There is no gluten present in corn. In fact, corn is used as an alternative for wheat for the Gluten-sensitive prone person.
Now the question that arises in our mind is that whether the gluten-sensitive person can eat popcorn. In other words, whether Gluten-sensitive people can have corn in their diet.
The fact is that corn does not contain Gluten, but it may also cause a digestive problem and another celiac symptom for gluten-sensitive people.
Corn contains a protein which is called maize prolamins. This creates issues in the digestive systems of celiac-prone or Gluten sensitive persons.
In some cases, corn may also contain Gluten. Naturally, it’s also quite possibly the popcorn can also be gluttoned. So, most of the time, popcorns are naturally Gluten-free. In some cases, it shall be gluttoned.
Prolamins are generally considered as seed preservative which is used to preserve seed or cereal type consumer goods. Glutens consists of mainly two proteins which are named glutelin and prolamin. Since Gluten consists of prolamin, the celiac-affected persons consuming the part of Gluten may show the symptoms of their gluten sensitivity.
To sum up, with whether there is Gluten in popcorn, popcorns are naturally Gluten-free, but prolamins are added as additives or preservatives of the cereals and seeds. The prolamins are part of Gluten, so when these preservatives are added to corn, the corn is obviously gluttoned, making adverse reactions on the celiac-prone person. Therefore, it is better for celiac patients to be more attentive and careful with the popcorn ingredients and avoid prolamin preserved corns. From the above information, it is crystal clarified that the Corn is naturally Gluten-sensitive, but artificially it is gluttoned.