In recent years, consumer tastes have clearly shifted in favor of more sustainably and ethically produced food products. As a result, organic farming methods are becoming more and more popular. This stands true for egg production too. But in terms of egg production, what precisely does “organic” mean? Here we’ll understand the standards and procedures that go into producing organic eggs:

Feed Matters

Making sure the birds are fed organic food is one of the cornerstones of organic egg production. This indicates that there are no artificial herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or animal byproducts in the feed. Typically, organic feed is made up of grains and seeds that are farmed without the use of artificial pesticides or fertilizers, benefiting the environment as well as the health of the birds.

Housing Conditions and Space:

Enough room and cozy living quarters for the birds are crucial in the production of organic eggs. The normal habits of chickens, such as perching, nesting, and dust bathing, must be accommodated in housing facilities. Furthermore, in organic systems, it is forbidden to use artificial illumination to change the hens’ egg-laying cycles; this allows the chickens to lay eggs following their natural cycles.

Health Care Administration:

Organic egg production places a strong emphasis on preventive health measures, with a particular focus on natural medicines and methods that enhance the health and well-being of birds. Throughout the life cycle of the bird, the use of synthetic hormones or growth boosters is forbidden, and the use of antibiotics is absolutely forbidden in organic systems unless there is a sickness or disease.

Authentication and Adherence:

Producers go through stringent certification procedures to guarantee adherence to organic standards. Thorough farm inspections are conducted to ensure the integrity of organic eggs.

Access to the Outdoors:

Hens that have access to outside areas are happier and healthier because it enhances their physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, exposure to the outdoors strengthens immune systems, which lowers the use of antibiotics in the production of organic eggs.

Hence, this is the level of care and attention to detail needed to create eggs that satisfy the requirements of organic certification.  In this regard, Le Capitaine eggs stands out for their organic and fresh-range egg collection, ensuring only the best is delivered to the customers. 

When you choose to consume organic eggs, you support a more ethical and sustainable food system.